Paris complete

I’m living in a kind of post-Paris haze seeking refuge in my photographs, Woody Allen’s “Midnight in Paris”, even the cafe with the french name in Sandringham Road (give me a Bonjour please!). To say that I enjoyed my time there is true. I ran the Paris Marathon, my 15th and last (for now – but I’ll be doing some halves), saw some tourist stuff, and thoroughly enjoyed the city.  Saint Germain, Cafe de Flore (the movie, the song, now the lunch, fantastic), Hotel Costes (it’s not just the music).

It’s fitting to do the Marathon in Paris, this is not a city Paris completethat does things by halves, except the cars which are mostly half the size of those we drive, the architecture, the clothes, beautiful people, the jardins, art and cafes. I asked myself when I returned:  why wasn’t I born there?

I’ve been really fortunate this year, Ireland first with my son and (now) daughter-in-law’s wedding. When they visited in Paris it was fantastic. Moments to last a lifetime.

Pining yes, but also complete.  Traveling has given a satisfying sense of completeness, the reasons why I’m still processing, but it’s positive. I’ve been sceptical in the past on the virtues of travel. Not now, it’s brought a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.

Paris. Complete.

6 thoughts on “Paris complete

  1. Hi Steve, Paris was amazing for me too, would loved to have stayed longer to get a feel for the community. I live in my photos too. Montmartre was fantastic -excellent gelato!


  2. Opened this while I had Django Reinhardt Swing 39 Jazz in Paris playing in the background! I discovered Paris two years ago in mid april with my daughter Anna, Boulevard St Germain, Cafe de Flore and the Ecole du Beaux Arts; Sartre, Camus, de Beauvoir! Versailles; Montmartre; Notre Dame; Montparnasse; Musee d’Orsee, Manet!

    Same conclusion, why was I not born in Paris!!!!

    You see the French do not have a word for leadership!


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